Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Updating the store

With the weather turning nice and foot traffic in the store picking up, we decided to look at different ways to improve our storefront.  We took a field trip to several upscale menswear stores and with a critical eye, tried to assess what they did well in merchandising their spaces.  The one thing that stood out was the stores that used wood fixtures really had a classy / traditional 'feel' to them.

Keeping that in mind, we've begun a store makeover.  The first step was to invest in new counter displays, freestanding fixtures, etc.  Next we'll focus on replacing our slatwall with the same color wood slatwall to improve the feel of our shop.  

Below are a few pictures of the fixtures we pieced together this past Sunday.  Do you think we've hit the mark or have we missed it with our new Cherry display cases?